January 23 - 26, 2025 - Edmonton, Alberta
Tournament open to players age 9 to 19 of all levels of play.
Registration Fee Boarded Competition - $675 Regular
Registration Fee Non-Boarded Competition - $825 Regular
Preferred payment type: e-transfer to [email protected]
As groups fill up we will be using the first come first serve process. Your registration is not complete until payment is made.
Edmonton Soccer Dome General Information:
Edmonton Soccer Facilities - Boarded - General Information: https://esaf.ca/index.php/loca...
Edmonton Soccer Facilities - Boarded - Waivers: https://esaf.ca/index.php/policies/waivers.
TRIALIST/GUEST PLAYER Form: https://emsamain.com/wp-conten...
BIO-BANDING INFORMATION FROM ASA - "This practice is not detailed in ASA Rules or Policies. Thus, ASA does not have an approved protocol or process to approve and implementation Bio-Banding. Any programs implementing Bio-banding at this time are not insured by ASA Insurance program."
Download Blank GameSheet form or login to download pre-printed game sheets.