What are the steps to complete the registration process?
- Register your team on this site.
- Your team will be issued ONE login in password. (please share with your coaching staff)
- Information on how to submit your ASA and online roster can be found below.
- Payment is made
Is this a boarded soccer tournament?
The tournament offers both Boarded and Non-Boarded divisions. There are Boarded divisions offered for every age group.
Non-Boarded divisions are available for U12 U13, U15, U17, U19 age groups Tier 1 and 2 (contingent on space available).
How many games will we be playing?
Each team is guaranteed 3 games.
How are teams tiered/pooled?
Tiering can be very difficult for tournaments as in many cases we just don't know how to compare the tiering processes between different soccer organizations/leagues. This is why we refer to our groupings as Pools rather than Tiers. When you register your team you are asked to submit a tier that you would like to play in for the tournament. We use this information as a guideline only as a teams position in their standings/tier can change significantly between the time of registration and the tournament date. We begin the pooling process once registration closes by looking at every teams CURRENT league standings at that time. This is why we ask you for the name of the league you are playing in when you register. In some cases this information gives us a very good idea of where to place a team, but in other cases, especially out of town teams, its our best possible guess based on a teams win/loss record.
Due to the fact that we are working with a limited number of teams in any age group, we may have to pool together teams that are not necessarily in the same tier. For example, we may need to pool together Tier 5 and 6 teams to create 1 pool, or place a Tier 4 team in a pool with Tier 3 teams or in a pool with Tier 5 teams. We will make every effort to ensure that every team is playing with teams that have the same skill and ability.
When will the schedules be released?
Tentative schedule release date is set for January 16, 2025
What Centers/times will my team be playing?
Games can be scheduled in any of the locations listed. We do not use specific locations for any of the age groups. Games may start as early as 7:00 AM and may finish as late as midnight.
What is the ASA Roster?
- The ASA Roster is your provincial team player registration form that lists all the players registered on your team with their birth dates and player ID number. You may need to contact your soccer organization for a copy of your ASA. Every player that participates in the tournament must be registered on a provincial roster, this includes all guest players, and you must also provide the guest players provincial roster from the team they are registered with. If your team is from outside of Alberta, then your travel permit will suffice.
What is a tournament roster?
- The tournament roster can be filled out online and will only be made available to you once your ASA roster has been received at Tournament headquarters.. Please note that the tournament roster is different from the ASA roster. Once the roster is filled out, you will be able to access your pre-filled out game sheets. The rosters will be locked on January 22, 2023.
- Be sure to check the tournament rules to confirm the correct number of players allowed for your age group and the rules and regulations for using guest players.
- If your team needs to make last minute changes to their tournament roster (for injuries or illness), it must be done at tournament headquarters.
If I withdraw my team will I get a refund?
If your team pulls out prior to January 15, 2025 your tournament funds will be reimbursed less a $25.00 administration fee. If your team withdraws after January 15, 2025 no refund will be available.
Where do I hand in the game sheets? Where do I go to find tournament stats?
- Prior to the start of the game you will need to give your team’s game sheet to the referee. After the game, the game sheet will be picked up by volunteers and brought to headquarters for online posting of the game scores.
- You will need to provide 1 game sheet for every game you play in the tournament. (extra blank game sheets will be available at the Headquarters of the center you are playing at).
- Scores and team stats will be posted as they are received on the official FCMC webpage.
What if my team has a league game during the tournament?
We are usually able to work around this, however when you register, please indicate on the form the date and time of your league game so we know in advance.
What if I coach two (2) teams in the tournament?
We are able to work around this. We will try to have the games times close to each other at the same location – or if that is not possible, enough time for you to travel to the next game. Please make a note of this on your registration form. If a coach is coaching more then two teams this makes it even more challenging to schedule around, please note that we will make our best efforts but be sure to have an assistant coach available in case you cannot make all games.
Who gets medals and how do the winning teams get them?
1st in second place get medals. There are no medal presentations and they can be picked up at the headquarters at each location after the final game in the group or playoff. However, in round robin the determination of the 1st and second place may be determined prior to the final game being played. In that case a team may request the medals prior to the final game.